Install bootloader on the ATTiny85

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With all the above steps completed, it's finally time to provide the ATTiny85 chip with a bootloader. First of all, download the necessary files via On the page, click the green button “Clone or download” and then click “Download ZIP”. Place the folder in the ZIP file somewhere on your computer.

What we need to do now is modify the batch file. Go to the folder you just extracted and right-click on the “burn_attiny85_bootloader.bat” file, then click “Edit”. Notepad opens and you see a long text. Search in the first line for “-PCOM22” replace the digit “22” with the COM number your Arduino is connected to. To check this, plug your Arduino UNO back in if you haven't already done so, open the Arduino IDE, and in the menu "Tools" -> "Port" it says "COMX" (where the X is a number ).

Example: If in Arduino UNO under “Port” it says “COM1”, then make sure that the text in notepad changes from “-PCOM22” to “-PCOM1”.

Save the file and copy the files “burn_attiny85_bootloader.bat” and “t85_default.hex” to the root of the Arduino IDE installation. In most cases it can be found in “C:\Program Files (x86)\ Arduino ”. You will receive a message during the pasting where you have to click on "Continue".

Now let's flash! So make sure the Arduino UNO is connected to the PC via USB and the ATTiny85 is connected to the Arduino UNO correctly. Right click on the file “burn_attiny85_bootloader.bat” and click on “Run as administrator”, at this point a command prompt will open and if all went well it will say “avrdude done. Thank you. Press any key to continue…”.

That's all! The bootloader is installed and you can now upload scripts via the ATTiny development board! Make sure you put the ATTiny85 DIP back in the development board correctly, and not the other way around.
Current Page 7. Step 5. Flash the bootloader on the ATTiny85 1. Introduction 2. Contents 3. Step 1. Programs and Drivers 4. Step 2. Configure Arduino 5. Step 3. Install ArduinoISP 6. Step 4. Breadboard cabling 7. Step 5. Flash the bootloader on the ATTiny85 8. Common problems Posted by Website


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