Install bootloader on the ATTiny85

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For this step you need to have the Arduino UNO connected via USB to your computer. Wait for Windows to install the driver and then follow these steps:
  1. Go to “Tools” -> “Board” in the menu and select “ Arduino /Genuino Uno” in the row.
  2. In the menu go to “Tools” -> “Port” and select the Arduino Uno, this differs on every computer. It may be called COM1, COM2, COM3, etc. If the text at Port is grey, so you cannot open a menu, follow the steps at the bottom of the manual. This is a driver issue.
  3. Go to “File” -> “Examples” -> “11.ArduinoISP” in the menu and click on “ArduinoISP” in the menu that opens.
  4. A new window will open with the code. Leave this alone and click in the sub menu (below the menu that was always mentioned before) on the icon with the arrow pointing to the right, if you hold your mouse over it you will see the text “Upload” appear on the right side of the sub menu. The upload is complete when you see “Done uploading” or “Upload completed” at the bottom of the window.
Current Page 5. Step 3. Install ArduinoISP 1. Introduction 2. Contents 3. Step 1. Programs and Drivers 4. Step 2. Configure Arduino 5. Step 3. Install ArduinoISP 6. Step 4. Breadboard cabling 7. Step 5. Flash the bootloader on the ATTiny85 8. Common problems Posted by Website


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