Install bootloader on the ATTiny85

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Now comes a very important step that you must perform carefully. As soon as a cable is connected incorrectly, or the IC is inserted the wrong way around, the ATTiny85 DIP can burn out!

Below are some pictures, make sure your circuit matches this one;
The color of cables you use does not matter, so make sure you have the following connections:
UNO means the Arduino UNO board
BD means Breadboard

Brown: Pin 10 on UNO è Pin 30-J on BD
Red: Pin 11 on UNO èPin 27-A to BD
Yellow: Pin 12 on UNO è Pin 28-A to BD
Green: Pin 13 on UNO è Pin 29-A to BD

Orange: Pin GND to UNO è Pin 27-J on BD
Blue: Pin 5V on UNO è Pin 30-A to BD

Make sure the circle of the ATTiny85 is on pin 30-F.
Place the long side of the capacitor into Pin RES on the UNO and the short side into Pin GND on the UNO.
Current Page 6. Step 4. Breadboard cabling 1. Introduction 2. Contents 3. Step 1. Programs and Drivers 4. Step 2. Configure Arduino 5. Step 3. Install ArduinoISP 6. Step 4. Breadboard cabling 7. Step 5. Flash the bootloader on the ATTiny85 8. Common problems Posted by Website


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