Install bootloader on the ATTiny85

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ATtiny85-PU-DIP8 In stock € 4,40 Attiny development board micro usb Out of stock € 2,00 Arduino Uno R3 - clone In stock € 11,50 Breadboard white 400 points In stock € 2,35 Total € 20,25
This guide is intended for Windows 10 version 1903. Older versions of Windows 10 should still work, but this guide has not been tested on Windows 8.1, 8, 7 or earlier.

Current Page 2. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Contents 3. Step 1. Programs and Drivers 4. Step 2. Configure Arduino 5. Step 3. Install ArduinoISP 6. Step 4. Breadboard cabling 7. Step 5. Flash the bootloader on the ATTiny85 8. Common problems Posted by Website


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