DSMR Logger V4 (Smart Meter Reader)
Placed onIn August 2018 I published a projects for reading the Smart Meter.
Based on the many reactions of the people who have recreated the project and my own experience with version 3 of the DSMR logger, I thought it was time to develop a new version of the hardware and firmware.
A number of users indicated that they use external services to display the logged data in graphs. I also need a graphical representation of the logged data, but I want to avoid having to use external services for this.
The objectives for version 4 of the DSMR logger have been adapted to the wishes of the builders, but the core has also remained largely the same as for version 3. However, the firmware now works with WebSockets and the amount of data stored has been increased (two years per year). month, two weeks per day and 48 hours per hour). All this data can be displayed in tables and graphs. Of course, the restAPI is not missing either. As icing on the cake, version 4 has the option to connect a small OLED screen.

It works like this: The Smart Meter only sends a telegram if the Data Request pin “high” is. The DSMR library has a function call “
" which is a pin of the ESP8266 "high” makes and this “high” until a complete telegram has been received, after which the pin “low” is made (and the Smart Meter stops sending Telegrams).Because for the earlier versions of the DSMR logger I used a ESP-01 board, this functionality could not be used simply because the ESP-01 does not have enough pins to free one for it.
The ESP-12(E/F) does have enough GPIO pins and considerably (4x) more memory than the ESP-01(S). It was therefore a logical choice to use this variant of the ESP8266 for version 4 of the DSMR logger.
Extensive technical documentation for this project you can here find.