Build weather station
Placed onWant to see what the weather is like at a glance? Then build this project!
This is a project that is easy to modify with the code. For example, it is also possible to show YouTube subscribers or Twitter followers on the display.
This is a project that is easy to modify with the code. For example, it is also possible to show YouTube subscribers or Twitter followers on the display.
No longer available A NodeMCU can also be used for this I2C LCD interface module Out of stock This module is used to make communication between the LCD and the Wemos easier. € 2,30 16x2 Characters lcd module blue 5V Out of stock The LCD is used to display the information clearly. € 3,50 DC socket built-in 5.5 mm x 2.1 mm - 5 pieces In stock € 2,50 Male header 1x40 black 2.54mm - 5 pieces Out of stock Some headers are also needed to connect the LCD and I2C LCD interface module € 2,20 Total € 10,50Of course you also need a way to power the system. For that you can use a power adapter or a USB to DC plug cable to provide power from your computer. Note: The input must be 5V. If this is not possible, you would also install a voltage regulator between the DC socket and Wemos.
Mean Well GS15E-1P1J adapter - 5V 2,4AThis AC / DC adapter can be connected directly to the powersocket with a European plug. The adapter generates 5VDC with a maximum current of 2,4A and an efficiency around 80%. In stock € 17,80
Mean Well GS06E-1P1J adapter - 5V 1AThis AC / DC adapter can be connected directly to the powersocket with a European plug. The adapter generates 5VDC with a maximum current of 1A and an efficiency around 80%. In stock € 15,25