Scrolling Text Clock

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To make this scrolling text clock we need the following parts.

Products list

Arduino Nano R3 - clone - with headers In stock Arduino nano € 8,60 MAX7219 4x Dot matrix module Out of stock dot matrix module € 10,20 Real time clock module DS3231 In stock REAL time clock module € 4,00 Mean Well SGA12E09-P1J power supply - 9V 1,33A In stock Power adapter € 14,00 Buck converter module 1.25 - 35V LM2596 In stock Voltage regulator € 2,00 DC socket built-in 5.5 mm x 2.1 mm - 5 pieces In stock Power connector € 2,50 Rotary encoder 20 pulse met switch - 2 stuks In stock Rotary encoder with switch € 2,05 Total € 53,55

The nutrition

In this design we use a 9 volt power supply, then we use a voltage regulator to reduce this to 5 volts. In theory you could also use a 5 volt power supply, without a voltage regulator. But the voltage regulator provides a bit of safety, we can now safely connect a 12-volt power supply without anything breaking.

If we were to use a 5 volt power supply, without a regulator, it would break if we accidentally connect a higher voltage.

Be sure to set the voltage regulator to 5 volts before plugging in the rest of the project!

Here is the power supply schematic:

Schedule of the project

It may seem like a complicated scheme, but if you connect it step by step, you'll see that it's not too bad :-)

Schedule of the project

Arduino Sketch

When everything is connected we can start programming the Arduino (you can also do that first)..

You can download the sketch here: LINK

The zip file contains:

  • the schedule
  • the skit
  • a library: Copy this to the libraries folder of Arduino !

Watch the video!

I explain it step by step in the video.

Good luck building!

Current Page 2. To the project! 1. Introduction 2. To the project! Posted by Website


France Laika
Can we implement clock timer for picture download
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