This smartwatch with white wristband from LilyGO is the latest (2020) version of the smart watch series. The smartwatch works on the basis of the ESP32 chip and is fully programmable via the USB interface. The smartwatch contains a colorful 1.54-inch LCD screen with an FT6236U touch sensor.
Specifications- Laadspanning: 5V DC (via micro USB)
- Chipset: ESP32 (240Mhz dual core processor)
- Flash memory: 16MB
- SRAM: 520KB
- Built-in Wi-Fi
- Built-in Bluetooth
- Built-in 3-axis IMU sensor: BMA423
- Built-in RTC: PCF8563
- Built-in 1.54 inch 240x240 LCD display (ST7789V driver) with capacitive touchscreen (FT6236U driver)
- Built-in 380mAh Li-Po battery (LS-Q1)
- Built-in power management chip (AXP202) with Li-ion / Li-Po battery charging circuit
- Built-in on / off button
- Built-in vibration-vibration motor
- Built-in speaker with amplifier (MAX98357A)
- Built-in IR transmitter
- Wristband color: White
Package contents- 1x TTGO T-Watch-2020
- 1x Micro USB kabel
Instruction manualT-Watch-Library