Mp3 player

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connection diagram

The SD card module uses an I²C protocol. This allows us to connect it with 2 wires, 1 for the clock and 1 for the data. The others are used for e.g. detecting an SD, selecting a chip,...


The I²C protocol allows an Arduino to be connected to 128 different modules, which use the same bus. The protocol (serial) is fairly easy. First it sends out an 8-bit number, where the first 7 let it know which module the Arduino wants to communicate with, and a bit to let it know it wants to write or read. Then an acknowledge sequence is sent. Then an 8-bit number is sent to select a register. finally, an 8-bit number is sent or received for the data in that register. These are also distinguished by an acknowledge sequence.





don't forget to calculate the series resistance of the LED!

(more information can be found in blogabout the series resistor)

Pin 9

Because pin 9 is an output pin, it is best to connect a headphone jack or speaker here. I definitely advise against using a speaker that has more than 1.5 watts.

Current Page 2. Connection diagram 1. Introduction 2. Connection diagram 3. Code 4. microSD 5. Housing Posted by Student industrial sciences


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