The WS2812B stands out from other RGB (Red/Green/Blue) LEDs due to its unique color control capabilities. The brightness of each color can be adjusted through a serial string to one of 256 different levels. This allows for an incredible 16,777,216 (2563) possible color combinations, enabling you to create any color from white to black (off), or salmon to sienna.
With the WS2812B, your projects can truly shine. Whether you're creating a dynamic light display, adding a touch of color to your home decor, or exploring the world of electronics, these LEDs offer a world of possibilities. The brightness control allows for subtle mood lighting or vibrant color displays. And with 50 LEDs in a strip, you have plenty of scope for large scale projects.
Sparkfun offers a range of resources to help you get the most out of your WS2812B LEDs. These include a detailed datasheet, a handy hookup guide, and an informative LED tutorial. These documents provide valuable insights into the workings and capabilities of these unique LEDs.
Brand | Sparkfun |
Model | COM-16346 |
More info | WS2812 Breakout Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn |
Length | 74 mm |
Width | 108 mm |
Height | 12 mm |
Weight | 36,2 g |