How to use NTP with the Aduino Leonardo

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This project is a way to easily display the time on an LCD.

The project uses a DS3231 module to store the time and an ESP01 that uses NTP to request it and store it in the DS3231 module.

Further code changes can be found on my GitHub page:

Arduino Leonardo - Config file reader - BOM

Arduino Leonardo - clone Out of stock This one is a home brew leonardo from € 12,00 ESP8266 ESP-01S WIFI Module Out of stock ESP8266 module € 4,55 ESP-01 USB Adapter In stock ESP adapter to 5V TTL logic € 2,50 Real time clock module DS3231 In stock Real Time Clock Module € 3,95 I2C LCD interface module Out of stock I2C LCD interface € 2,30 20x4 Characters lcd module blue In stock 20x4 Character LCD module € 7,00 Total € 32,30
Current Page 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. The Schematic 3. How does NTP work? 4. DS3231 module 5. The LCD 6. The ESP8266 7. Full program Posted by


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